AVADE® Pepper Spray Defense™ E-Learning Course
The AVADE® Pepper Spray Defense™ E-Learning is designed to give public safety officers an educational learning platform for reducing injury and liability risk when using Pepper Spray.
AVADE® Pepper Spray Defense™ E-Learning is not a substitute for live skills based learning. This course provides an educational foundation for Pepper Spray Defense.
Course Length
Course length is 60 minutes for your average learner.
Key Benefits
- Knowledge & understanding of what Pepper Spray is & the various delivery systems available.
- Increase awareness of personal defenses with Pepper Spray techniques.
- Recognize tactical positioning when Pepper Spray is deployed.
- Understand tactical methods for spraying the different types of delivery systems.
- Tips & warnings in regard to Pepper Spray exposure & post-exposure decontamination.
E-Learning Topics
- Pepper Spray Defense Introduction
- What is Pepper Spray?
- Use of Force & Self-Defense
- Holding, Drawing, & Personal Defense Techniques
- Contact & Cover Team Positioning
- Spraying Techniques | OC Tips & Warnings
- Escape & Ground Defense Techniques
- Post-Incident Response & Documentation
If you have questions or need assistance? Pls call us toll free at: 1.866.773.7763
or email: info@personalsafetytraining.com
*Note: Your E-Learning information will be sent to you within 24 hours of purchase and approval.