
Training & Technique Demo Videos

We now offer a full range of training videos for our certified instructors. Once a course is completed and approved,
you will have access to the complete series of videos and resources that are included with your instructor certification.

Special Note: The content contained here is for demonstration purposes for those interested in AVADE® Training. Any unauthorized use or distribution is a copyright violation.

High & Outside Block Baton Defense

Contact & Cover | Team Positioning

Kneeling Handcuffing

Palm Heel Defense

Gun Threat Response Defense

Standing the Prone Subject

AVADE® Training = Education, Prevention, & Mitigation

The PSTI Safety Training programs meet the requirements of State and Federal guidelines and The Joint Commission regulatory compliance for maintaining a Workplace Violence Prevention Training program.  PSTI training involves scenario-based exercises, group interaction, discussion, lecture, and hands-on techniques.
PSTI Training is modular-based and can be adapted into a variety of scheduling and training dynamics.

Get started now by requesting a FREE, Training Proposal.

Call now, Toll Free: 866.773.7763